Because wood is healthy: Wood does not attract dust, it acts as a kind of humidity regulator by absorbing and releasing the humidity in the space.
Wood provides higher thermal insulation than alternative materials, thanks to its air-filled cells that prevent the transfer of heat. The thermal conductivity of wood is at very low values such as 0.13 W/mK. For this reason, wood is used in the manufacture of matches, handles of mechanical hardware, ceilings and wall decorations. The apparent temperature of the wood is quite high. This means that a lot of energy is needed to raise and lower the temperature of one kilogram of wood. Wood has almost twice as much heat energy as stones and concrete; similarly, it needs three times the heat energy used to heat and cool the steel.
Because wood is economical: While the life span of wood as a construction material is expected to be 80 to 100 years, many wooden buildings from the Middle Ages show that this period can be exceeded. The prejudices that wood requires frequent maintenance belong to the times when people thought that the exterior of the wood should be covered by painting it.
Because wood has unrivaled technical properties: Materials expand with increasing temperature. Expansion causes a decrease in the strength of materials. Steel is advantageous against combustion because it is inorganic and non-combustible. But, when used in buildings, it expands and collapses as a result of the increase in temperature. Wood hardly expands against heat. On the contrary, under the influence of heat, it dries up and gains strength.